Dear College Connect Community,
We hope that you and your family are healthy and well. The impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) has affected everyone is some way, and this adjustment period is proving to be challenging to our students and families alike. College Connect is committed to keeping you up to date with information regarding the very fluid and rapidly changing circumstances we are in.
Recently, we received clarification from Regional Center regarding the impact of Governor Newsom’s “stay at home” order and what qualifies as an essential service. We are excited to announce that College Connect will continue with our commitment to provide academic, social-emotional and vocational support to our College Connect students as we are deemed an essential service. Furthermore, the Department of Developmental Services has approved telehealth support options for College Connect and related services (if you receive other Regional Center services, please follow up with your vendor and service coordinator to see if this option is available). Tele-support services will be available via telephone or other online services such as video chat to continue providing academic, vocational and social-emotional support.
College Connect support services remain the same, with the delivery platform changing to fit your students’ and family needs. Students will continue to receive group and individual services to meet the demands of online courses and coping during this exceptional time. If we have learned anything from our students and families since the State of Emergency, it is that this transition period is difficult. For many students, being home does not make tasks easier, rather students and families are finding it difficult to navigate the online academic portals and meet the requirements for success. Additionally, many students miss their community, friends and routine. This is why College Connect has focused on providing individual and group support for navigating online platforms and communicating critical academic and campus information. We are also aware of the potential secondary aspects of COVID-19, which are those of uncertainty, anxiety, depression and new family dynamics now that many are home together. College Connect will continue to introduce and implement coping skills and strategies to address the current pandemic that may affect our student’s social and emotional functioning.
We appreciate your flexibility as we receive new information. We are committed to supporting and working beside you during this challenging time and do not hesitate to continue utilizing us as a resource. As a team, we will soon have this time behind us.
Please check this website regularly for updated campus information and posts regarding academic and coping strategies.
Jeanette Cabrera, PsyD
Senior Vice President